The Gull's Call - Jul/Aug/Sep 2024


Harbor Pointe by James Allison G REETINGS HARBOR POINTE RESIDENT. PLEASE BE advised that our next board meeting has been moved to July 18th, because the July 4th holiday falls on our regularly scheduled date. The board is planning a picnic gathering for all homeown ers and it will be held the latter part of August. Invitations and information will be placed on the mail kiosks. It will most likely be a pot luck-type of party. If you have any questions, please contact our association manager at or 510-865-3363, ext. 358. Sandpiper Cove by Mita Raval, Board Treasurer B Y THE TIME YOU RECEIVE THIS ISSUE OF THE Gull's Call , kids will be out of school, and over six months of 2024 will be in the history books! We hope everyone is having a lovely summer whether it is by staying home or travelling. Our landscaping contractor, Serpico, has been working on the curb strips around the Association since mid-May, but all the rain we were lucky to have means they have more weeds and cleaning up to do. If they have not reached your section/area yet, they will get to it soon. This is a gentle reminder for our community members using the newly renovated tot lot, please refrain from leaving broken toys. We have found broken toys which could cause an injury to a toddler. At the May 8th meeting, the Board approved hiring Andrea O’Toole, of O’Toole and Rogers legal firm, to update the Association’s existing CC&Rs, (short for Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions). This document details the rights of homeowners and the responsibilities of the HOA Board. As HOA Board members, we have a responsibility to uphold and follow the Association’s governing documents. Sandpiper Cove’s CC&Rs have not been updated for many years. Several laws have changed and the Board is working towards making sure the Association is in compliance with all legal requirements.

License Plate Reader Cameras - Many individual associations (Clipper Cove included) in Harbor Bay have expressed interest in license plate reader cameras. CHBIOA is investigating a community-wide installation of these cameras to increase coverage, avoid overlap, and reduce costs to the individual associations. Cameras are manufactured by Flock Watch - the same company used by APD. Data captured by the cameras can be linked directly to APD. Neighborhood Watch – We are exploring a Neighborhood Watch program for Clipper Cove. Neighborhood Watch relies on our being effective witnesses, reporting incidents to APD promptly, and sharing information. Block captains would coordinate watch volunteers. Periodic check-in meetings could be used for training and education with self-defense experts, security camera companies, auto companies (theft prevention), etc. We plan to hold an information session on this program in the next few months for CCV residents. HOMEOWNER VOLUNTEERS Please consider volunteering to help Clipper Cove. Landscape Committee – Responsible for working with the CCV Board, landscape company, and arborists to maintain the appearance of our front yards and common areas. Project Architecture Committee - Reviews applications for property improvements, as well as exterior paint proposals that are exceptions to the standard Clipper Cove paint palette. If you would like to contribute to any of the above, please contact our Association Manager at 510-865-3363 ext. 358 or The Clipper Cove Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month (except August and December) from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Our summer meetings are Tuesday, July 9th, and September 10th. All homeowners are encouraged to attend either in person or by RingCentral. To join a meeting, go to and enter meeting ID 375 435 0613. The CHBIOA website also has a direct link on the “Calendar” page.

July | August | September 2024 33

The Gull’s Call

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