The Gull's Call - April/May/June 2024



Jon Hamilton, President of CLASS (Citizens League for Airport Safety and Serenity) impressed the need of people to call to complain when an aircraft disturbs them, especially during the night. The only way we will be taken seriously is if there are enough people being concerned about their safety and being able to sleep. Unless there is a significant number of calls from different people, not just the same ones over and over, the FAA will say there isn’t a problem. Oakland Airport is planning on adding another 18 gates, so this will mean increased flights. Moreover, Southwest Airlines is also planning on adding red eye flights, so more planes will be in the sky at night. The number to call is 510-563-6463 and their website is Remember this situation affects not only our property values, but also our peaceful life here in Harbor Pointe. The PSL (Private Sewer Lateral ) project is finally under way! Thanks to all the homeowners who are paying for this without complaining. As I have written: it was not a choice for us, but, hopefully, it will keep the bay and ocean waters as clean as possible. Headlands by Marla Lee, Board Secretary B EES AND OUR SPIRITS SOAR INTO SPRING! NO matter how long the winter persists, we are reminded it’s spring when the neighbor’s flowering cherry tree (see front cover) puts on its incredible vibrant pink display. The parade of other flowering trees include: magnolias, ornamental plums, evergreen pears, apples, dogwoods, redbuds, and finally, in the hottest months, crepe myrtles. Meanwhile, the ongoing renovation of curb strip plant material will be underway by this newsletter’s release – a much needed upgrade of 14-plus year old plant material and the transition to Kurapia ground cover in car step outs where Dymondia has failed. IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE While generous winter rains kept soil wet enough to put irrigation of mature gardens on pause, now is a good time to manually test all systems: flush main lines, check for leaking valves, clean or replace clogged/broken sprinkler heads, worn emitters that no longer regulate desired gph output or critter chewed tubing. If you didn’t have time to amend our nutrient leaching sandy soil with good com post, do so now to give your plants a natural boost just as they start to put on new growth.

Earlier this year, some homeowners may have received an “EBMUD Shrub bery Trim Notice” detailing the required clearance for water meter box access lids: 30” perimeter and 6’ height. For those meters located in the common area curb strips, our maintenance crews will be monitoring,

trimming and/or moving shrubs as needed. Note that me ters on private property are the homeowner’s responsibil ity. EBMUD warns an obstructed meter charge of $50 will appear on water bills if clearance requirements are not followed. For more specifics, contact EBMUD at 866-403 2683 and please notify our association manager if you think there may be an issue with plant material around the meter in your curb. Pelican Bay by Mark Techaphunphol, Board Secretary I HOPE THIS UPDATE FINDS YOU WELL AFTER navigating through the windy and wet weather of the past few months. I trust everyone is safe and sound, and now, as we step into the blossoming days of spring, it's the perfect time to reconnect and share some important updates. POST-WEATHER CHECK-IN While we hope everyone has come out unscathed, it's advisable to inspect your homes for any weather related damage. Safety is our top priority, and addressing issues promptly ensures a secure and comfortable living environment for all. PREPARING FOR SUMMER As the rain season bids adieu, it's a friendly reminder to check on your vegetation and greenscape. Taking a moment now to assess and care for your outdoor spaces ensures they're ready to flourish as we transition into the warmth of summer. Let's keep Pelican Bay looking lush and inviting!

26 April | May | June 2024

The Gull’s Call

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