The Gull's Call - April/May/June 2024


Harbor Pointe by Luci Ackhart, Board Vice President H ERE IT IS! ANOTHER YEAR AND WE’RE STILL HERE! After my last column in which I said I was not volunteering to be on our HOA board, I am now eating my words. My compadres on the board kindly asked me to reconsider because there were only two other homeowners who were willing to volunteer and that would mean there would only be three members: John Wells was remaining to serve his second year; Dr. Jim Betts decided he would remain even though his term was up; Randi Hinkle answered the call for help. Even though three members constitutes a quorum, if one of them could not attend the meeting, it would be cancelled and the work of the board would be delayed another two months. So, I will be serving again. However, if any homeowner is interested in serving, please let our association manager know. She can be reached at 510-865-3363, ext. 358 or The annual meeting on March 7th was held both in-per son and virtually. Unfortunately, only eight people attend ed. Until February 21st, we only had 21 votes returned. Our association has 47 homes. Every year we seem to have a problem getting enough votes returned and all a homeowner has to do is check off one or two boxes and put it in the mail, postage already paid. It would be respectful for all the homeowners to get their votes mailed as soon as they receive them because we can’t call a meeting until we have the returns. Thus, the board and interested people don’t know whether to put the meeting in their schedule. YOUR 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Jim Betts – President Luci Ackhart – Vice President

PROJECT ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE (PAC) After the retirement of David and Cynthia Hamilton from the CCV PAC, we are now in need of CCV homeowners to fill this role. The PAC reviews all applications for property improvement, as well as exterior paint proposals that are exceptions to the standard CCV paint palette. If you are interested in contributing to this vital service, please contact our association manager. CRIME IN OUR AREA We are planning to install signs in our area stating “NOTICE: This Community patrolled by Security 24/7”. Where they will be placed is still being considered. Once again, if you witness a crime being committed, report it to both our own Security Department AND the Alameda Police Department. The authorities must be aware of our statistics so that they devote more resources to the Harbor Bay communities. Further, one of our Board members is exploring a Neighborhood Watch Program. The specifics of this program will be discussed at the Annual Dinner and Meeting on May 14th. Be ready to participate - the Watch Program needs you to make it successful! YOUR 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Steve Atkinson – President Lolly Pantel – 1st Vice President Nancie Shelden – 2nd Vice President David Friedlander – Treasurer Cathy Sherrer – Secretary We extend a well-deserved “THANK YOU!” to Jeff Franco who served as Treasurer on the Board from March 2020 to February 2024. The CCV Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month (except August and December) from 5:30 to 8 PM. All homeowners are invited (and encouraged) to attend these meetings. You can attend in-person or virtually. Check the CHBIOA website at calendar for agendas and meeting links.

Randi Hinkle – Secretary John Wells – Treasurer Additionally: Beth Sibley – Landscape Committee Chairman

Roger McClure – Maintenance Committee Chairman Luci Ackhart – Gull’s Call Editorial Staff for Harbor Pointe And THANKS to volunteers, like Hendrix Bruin, who come to our aid when we need it as well as any folks I may have failed to mention!

April | May | June 2024 25

The Gull’s Call

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