The Gull's Call - Oct/Nov/Dec 2024


Woodbridge by Andrea Godoy, Association Manager W E ARE PLEASED TO SHARE SOME EXCITING developments within our community. The association is actively working on renovating the curb strips, with new plantings recently implemented on Kilkenny Place. These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing our neighborhood's appearance and sustainability. In alignment with our water conservation goals, we are making these changes to save as much water as possible. This effort is in compliance with Assembly Bill 1572, which prohibits the use of potable water for irrigating non functional turf on commercial, industrial, and institutional properties. Our aim is to contribute positively to this important legislation by maintaining an eco-friendly landscape. As the Board focuses on the care and maintenance of community landscaping, we urge homeowners to do the same for their individual properties. If you are considering converting your lawn to drought-tolerant landscaping, please be sure to review our rules and regulations and

submit an architectural application to ensure a smooth transition and compliance with community standards. Additionally, we have observed an increase in the installation of security cameras throughout the neighborhood, which is a positive step towards enhancing safety. However, we remind homeowners to submit an application for any exterior changes, including security cameras, to ensure that the privacy of neighboring properties is respected. All exterior modifications require approval through an architectural application. Our Architectural Committee is here to assist with any necessary adjustments to ensure your projects meet community standards. They will work with you to align your plans with our guidelines and facilitate the approval process. On a side note, please be courteous to your neighbors by utilizing your driveway whenever possible, as parking space is limited in the neighborhood. Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to maintaining and improving our community.

La Val’s Family Night Special

All F or $45 plus t ax

Large Pizza Pitcher of Soda & 2 Salad Bars

For Dine in Only. Not Valid with any other offer

October | November | December 2024 39

The Gull’s Call

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