The Gull's Call - Oct/Nov/Dec 2024

AssociationNews Freeport by Ed Sing, Board President G REETINGS FROM YOUR FREEPORT HOA BOARD! Autumn is here, with children returning to school, increasingly earlier sunsets, and the November and December holidays fast approaching. Please watch out for the little ones as you drive in our streets and be mindful of the 15mph speed limit in Freeport. Our streets were resealed last year to preserve the life of our street pavements and save us the cost of premature pavement replacement. However, the contractor gra ciously agreed to return this year to reseal some of the pavement cracks previously not fully sealed. Many of our homes are now 25+ years old and in need of dry rot repair and repainting. We all want to take pride in the condition of our homes and maintain our property values. Please ensure that you submit an Architectural Application ( with the paint colors you wish to use. The approved paint palette may be viewed online at or a hard copy is available at the Community Office, 3195 Mecartney Road. The paint palette may be borrowed from the office with a $50 deposit (check only). Also, please be aware that whenever you are repainting your home or installing a new garage door (which usually comes from the factory in white), the garage door must be painted in the approved main body color. Finally, if you intend to include windows in your new garage door, please refer to the Freeport Rules and Regulations for the approved window scheme for garage doors. New this summer - the painted white curb on McDonnel Road, near Benedict Court, designates on street parking for Bay Colony residents, only. Violators are subject to towing. Available on street parking in Freeport is very limited. Please be aware: • Resident and Guest parking permits must be dis played and be visible for inspection on the front windshield of their cars. • All Residents of Freeport shall park their Vehicles wholly within their garages or within garage drive

• On street parking inside Freeport is intended for use by Guests, and for use by Residents on an occa sional basis. • Vehicles parked on streets longer than 72 hours in one consecutive three-day period are subject to the Freeport parking enforcement procedures. • No Vehicle shall be parked in a marked Fire Lane or within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant. Violators may be subject to immediate towing. Your Board is discussing ways to improve the parking situation in our community. This may include providing dedicated parking spaces for guests only and issuance of new parking permits to residents in full accordance with our CC&Rs. Your Board is working hard to preserve the quality of life you have come to expect living in Freeport. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve towards this goal! Harbor Pointe by James Allison A UGUST 18TH WAS A CLOUDLESS SUNDAY AND the clear view of the San Francisco skyline was spectacular but the true attraction for an afternoon gathering on a patch of verdant grass along Sea View Parkway was a sense of belonging. About two dozen Harbor Pointe residents and owners met for an informal potluck organized by Randi Carlson. Email addresses were exchanged, stories were swapped and a sense of neighborhood was fortified. There are several academic studies that show the ben efits of knowing your neighbors. For example, a study by Brigham Young University found that participants who knew at least six neighbors reported less loneliness, de pression, anxiety and financial concern. Another study concluded that older adults who know their neighbors report a high sense of psychological well being. It’s not as easy to make face-to-face connections today as it was in the past. Busy schedules, time-consuming com mutes and the incessant pull of social media all present challenges. But ask anyone who spent even a few minutes

ways. All Residents must have space sufficient within their garage to park two (2) vehicles.

36 October | November | December 2024

The Gull’s Call

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