The Gull's Call - Jan/Feb/Mar 2025
Clipper Cove by Cathy Sherrer, Board Secretary O N BEHALF OF THE CLIPPER COVE BOARD OF Directors, Happy New Year! And, best wishes for a healthy and safe 2025! LICENSE PLATE READER CAMERAS The CHBIOA Board of Directors has approved ten “Flock” License Plate Reader cameras for Harbor Bay. Six have already been installed in various locations, with four more on the way. The Clipper Cove Board has approved two cameras, subject to resolution of an issue regarding locations. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH This program works best when folks in their immediate neighborhoods get together to become acquainted with each other. A Neighborhood Watch will be piloted in January in the neighborhood near the intersection of Basinside and Capetown. The results of this trial will be reported at the February Board meeting. If you are an interested homeowner on this block, or any other Clipper Cove neighborhood, please contact Lolly Pantel • There will be an open position on the Board of Directors as of March 2025. Although the official due date has passed for applications, there is still an opportunity for anyone interested in serving on the Board. Please contact our Association Manager for guidance regarding the application process. Candidates for appointment (not election) will be considered at the Clipper Cove Board meeting on February 11. (; 510-865-3363, ext. 358) • We still need volunteers for the Clipper Cove Project Architecture Committee (PAC). The PAC provides recommendations to the Community Architecture Committee (CAC) prior to their decision on an application. The PAC is considered the “expert” on Clipper Cove rules and neighborhood aesthetics. The PAC also conducts final Inspections, which are necessary to ensure that all work was completed according to plan. If you are interested, contact our associaiton manager.. ( HOMEOWNER VOLUNTEERS
LANDSCAPING On January 1, 2025, Terra Landscape will replace Serpico as our landscape maintenance company. Members of the Clipper Cove Board will be meeting with an arborist to review plans for Clipper Cove common area tree trimming. You have undoubtedly noticed tree “pruning” conducted by the City over the last few months. The CHBIOA Board sent a letter to the Alameda Public Works department. Their response states that the trees were pruned to address a fungal infection. Removing infected portions is the only treatment. Based on further assessment by the City in 2025, trees will either be trimmed further or replaced. The City has agreed to work more closely with CHBIOA landscaping in the future. LOCKING MAILBOXES At the November meeting, the Clipper Cove Board approved the MailBoss 7506 Mail Manager locking mailbox as an option added to the existing Gibralter and Pinnacle mailboxes. Please remember that homeowners are responsible for the repair, replacement, and maintenance of mailboxes. BOARD MEETINGS The Clipper Cove Board of Directors meet the second Tuesday of each month (except August and December) from 5:30 to 8 PM. Our first quarter meetings are January 14th, February 11th (annual), and March 12th. All homeowners are invited (and encouraged) to attend these meetings either in person or by RingCentral. To join a meeting, go to and enter meeting ID 375 435 0613. Visit the CHBIOA website at
January | February | March 2025 31
The Gull’s Call
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