The Gull's Call - April/May/June 2024

InterculturalCommitteeNews by Lisa Tang and Esther Lin

T HE COMMUNITY CENTER REMAINS CLOSED FOR all events, except board meetings; therefore, all tea socials will remain suspended until further notice by email. INTERCULTURAL COMMITTEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Raymond Tang Vice President: Donald Lim Secretary: Lisa Tang Treasurer: Vivian Chin RSVP Contact: Vivian Chin 510-333-8698 (texting preferred) MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – The 2023/2024 membership fee is $20 per family. There is a $5 fee for an additional card for a family member or for a replacement card if lost. To comply with the bylaws, new friends who wish to become members must reside in the Community of Harbor Bay Isle (CHBI). To renew your membership, please complete the application form and submit payment in person at our social event or mail to Harbor Bay Intercultural Committee, Attn: Membership, 3195 Mecartney Road, Alameda, CA 94502. Please contact Lisa Tang at 510-206-8457 if you are mailing your check or should you have questions. UPCOMING EVENT Mother’s Day Brunch – Saturday, May 4, 10:30 AM Pacific Lighthouse Restaurant, 1051 Pacific Marina, Alameda, 510-263-9232. The cost is $35 per member (2 members per family) and $40 for nonmembers. Please RSVP and remit payment by Wednesday, April 17th.

Father’s Day Dinner – Friday, June 7, 6 PM Chef’s Wok, Alameda, 1821 Webster Street, 510-337 9388. The cost is $35 per member (2 members per family) and $40 for nonmembers. Please RSVP and remit payment by Wednesday, May 22nd. RSVP: Please contact Vivian for reservation and payment arrangement. Mail check payable to Harbor Bay Intercultural Committee, Attn: IC RSVP, 3195 Mecartney Road, Alameda, CA 94502. If you prefer making a cash/ check payment drop off, please arrange with Vivian to do so. Past Events On December 9th, 57 IC members and their families gathered for the annual election of board officers and a festive Christmas dinner with lucky draw and songs at Pier 29 Waterfront Restaurant. Many thanks to Raymond Tang and Esther Lin for the gift purchases, Patsy Shen for her $100 donation toward gift purchases, and Patsy’s daughters Laura and Amy for the holiday cake honoring their mother’s birthday. On February 2nd, 50 IC members and their families enjoyed a wonderful New Year celebration dinner at Fusion Delight Restaurant. Many thanks to Ringo Liu for sponsoring our celebration with a $500 donation. We appreciate Raymond Tang and Esther Lin for the purchase of prizes for the raffle, lotto tickets in red envelopes for all, and for the seating arrangements. From the raffle sales, $490 was raised for the Intercultural Committee.

28 April | May | June 2024

The Gull’s Call

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