The Gull's Call - Oct/Nov/Dec 2024

CommunityNews Community Board Votes to Install Automated License Plate Readers in CHBIOA By Dawn Jaeger O N AUGUST 28, 2024, THE COMMUNITY OF Harbor Bay Isle Owners’ Association (CHBIOA) Board met and voted unanimously to proceed to purchase and install a small number of Automated License Plate Readers (LPR) throughout the Community using a multiphase process. The data from the readers will be provided directly to Alameda Police Department, in conjunction with the city owned LPRs already operational within Bay Farm. The Board will develop an implementation plan within the next few weeks. This decision was made following research, and a post card poll asking the Community if they were interested in having LPRs as an additional security tool. 87% of the 600+ owners that responded to the survey and 90% of the Associations within the Community, supported the idea of buying LPRs to increase the safety in our neighborhoods. Costs associated with the maintenance of this safety measure will be approximately .79 cents a month added to your assessment, with the potential of going up to as much as a $1 monthly in the next year. This is significantly less than adding more security patrol personnel and vehicles. President Bill Pai said, “This is a tool to help us provide even greater security to our owners.” It was also mentioned by Mike Robles-Wong, Costa Brava President, that if the data shows there is no need for the cameras, the Board could reduce or remove them. Secretary Bassey Obot said, “Either way we will have a tool to help prevent crime, catch criminals, or know that we are safe.”

A Hidden Gem at Harbor Bay By Jacqui Galvez Vasquez W HETHER YOU ARE CELEBRATING A NEWBORN’S arrival, commemorating the life of a loved one, or hosting a family get-together, the Harbor Bay Isle Community Center, located at 3195 Mecartney Road, is the venue that will make your event memorable. The spacious room is nestled amongst the trees and is bordered by a wrap-around patio that overlooks the peaceful lagoon. In addition to a beautiful setting, the Community Center boasts a modern, spacious kitchen. The kitchen may be closed off from the main room to eliminate noise and other distractions. Rental of the Community Center includes the use of the kitchen as well as 16 6-foot rectangular tables (which seat up to 8 people each) and 96 folding chairs. The Community Center is also Wi-Fi accessible.

The Community Center can be rented for non-business related special events on Saturday or Sunday by residents of the Community of Harbor Bay Isle only. All events must end by 10 PM on Saturday, and by 8 PM on Sunday. The calendar is open for reservations six months in advance. Call early for best date availability. A rental application must be approved by the Executive Director before your event is confirmed. The rental fee for homeowners is $650. A security and cleaning deposit of $1000 is required and is refundable after the event provided there are no issues with the Center. Proof of insurance naming CHBIOA as additionally insured must be obtained as a one-day event policy. Contact the Community Office at FrontOffice@harborbay. org or 510-865-3363 Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for more information or to reserve a date.

October | November | December 2024 11

The Gull’s Call

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