The Gull's Call - Jul/Aug/Sep 2024
CommunityNews Board Member Volunteers Applauded By Jacqui Galvez Vasquez
Mr. Cassidy Lundin, President of Terra Landscaping, advised the audience of a new law and what it means to homeowners and homeowners’ associations. The California law, AB 1572, prohibits the use of potable water to irrigate nonfunctional turf on certain properties
“The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” - DeAnn Hollis
including homeowners' associations and common interest developments. Functional turf is defined as turf located in a recreational use area or community gathering space. Key takeaways from AB 1572 include: • January 1, 2029 effective date for HOAs. • The law does not impose restrictions on residential lawns. • Exceptions may be made to ensure tree health. • Enforcement will be through the State Water Resources Control Board and local agencies. • EBMUD still offers lawn conversion rebates up to $20,000 over a two-year period. Mr. Lundin encourages association boards to begin conversations with their landscape contractors now to establish a plan, including prioritizing lawn strips, root impacted and other poor performing lawn areas, and areas where EBMUD water budget reports show a history of consumption consistently over budget, and then, budget to ensure your property is prepared for the new reality. For more information on the new law and rebate programs that may help, visit or email
T HE COMMUNITY OF HARBOR BAY ISLE CELEBRATED its corps of volunteer board members on March 17, 2024 at its annual Volunteer Appreciation Event. Community Office staff mingled with board members throughout the evening in an effort to make that name-with-a-face connection amidst the aroma of exotic flavors wafting throughout the Community Center. Asena Restaurant of Alameda provided an elegant, scrumptious dinner buffet that was enjoyed by all. Community Board President, Bill Pai, welcomed the group of 65+ board member volunteers with a champagne toast and sentiments of appreciation and gratitude for the commitment shown by our volunteers for the betterment of all our associations. Executive Director, Dawn Jaeger, introduced Community Office staff in order of longevity, ranging from just six months to over 25 years of service to the Harbor Bay Isle community. Presentations were given from Terra Landscaping, HIFS Inc. DBA Alameda Associates Insurance Services, and Pipespy. A good time was had by all. To learn more about volunteer opportunities in your association, please contact your association manager or the Community Office at 510-865-3363. Community Board President, Bill Pai.
Ms. Leilani Lopez, CEO, HIFS Inc. DBA Alameda Associates, gave a report on the state of insurance in California. The insurance market is experiencing unprecedented rate increases and unpredictable insurability. Finding coverage is becoming more difficult as the appetite
of carriers shrink. Even if you have not had any claims and continue to do business as you have year after year, there are expected rate increases as well as carriers no longer
12 July | August | September 2024
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