The Gull's Call - Jan/Feb/Mar 2025
AssociationNews Headlands by Marla Lee W ELCOME BACK ELYCE! AFTER PREVIOUSLY glowing remarks about our newly assigned association manager, Amanda is very quickly off to new career adventures. We’re thrilled to have Elyce Philcox, our more seasoned Headlands manager, return. Entrance Holiday Lights were a cheery welcome again this year and while bay winds and rain make it challenging, our service provider was quick to respond to maintenance needs.
SECURITY CAMERAS Homeowner Security Cameras are encouraged – but architectural review and approval is required. Even if you’ve already installed a system, please submit an online application to ensure guidelines were followed: • Exterior security cameras, including video doorbells, should be mounted in the least intrusive or visible locations, and be directed at the resident’s property only. • Security cameras may be wireless or hard-wired. Housing color shall match the surface color where mounted. • Cameras may never be directed at windows of adja cent residences, neighboring property or common areas with the exception that security cameras may be placed on garage exteriors with the camera angle limited to the front edge of the garage reaching to the owner’s mailbox. Privacy of neighbors is tanta mount for approval to be obtained. • Include: ◦ A plot plan showing camera location, neighbor ing structures and association common areas; ◦ Specs on camera size, shape and angles; ◦ A diagram showing the field of view; ◦ Pictures of exterior locations where cameras are mounted. Contact Elyce with questions: or 510 865-3363 ext. 355.
LICENSE PLATE READER We’re fortunate the Headlands entrance was also desig nated as a community common area for one of the new license plate readers. Notes on how it works from FLOCK, manufacturer of readers used by the City of Alameda: • By written agreement, the HOA will grant electronic access to the APD (and CHBIOA Security where ap plicable). The video records will be retained for 30 days, before they are permanently erased. Electron ic access means that if a stolen plate (reported from any law enforcement agency) is “seen” by any of our FLOCK cameras, the APD is immediately notified of the vehicle and direction of travel in real time. • If your vehicle is stolen, the APD will enter your plate, and FLOCK will be able to track the vehicle wherever the plate has been seen. This feature has allowed APD to make arrests of suspected crimi nals fleeing Alameda, including vehicles with paper plates and some with no plates. • A significant advantage that FLOCK cameras have over other surveillance camera providers is that no one must review hours of tapes to find evidence in a criminal case
January | February | March 2025 33
The Gull’s Call
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