The Gull's Call - April/May/June 2024

SecurityNews CHBIOA Congratulates Sergeant Sil by Jacqui Galvez Vasquez I T’S NEVER EASY TO SAY good-bye, unless it leads to a new beginning. We are

CHBIOA Welcomes Officer Stone by Jacqui Galvez Vasquez S EKU STONE BECAME SECURITY PATROL OFFICER Stone on November 16, 2023, looking for an opportunity to make a difference in the local community. Seku emigrated to the United States from Mongolia in 2015. He was a good student who strived to learn as much as he could about everything. He earned a carpentry certificate from a local community college and began working to help support his family. Most recently, he worked at Trader Joe’s and learned how to cooperate with his team, implement more efficient procedures, and provide excellent customer service to the store’s patrons.

excited to announce just such a new beginning for Jonathan Sil, who has been hired by the Pleasanton Police Department. Jonathan was hired with CHBIOA Security in 2022. He rose to the position of Sergeant quickly, and with much praise

for being professional, smart, diligent, and dedicated. “In my two years at CHBIOA, I learned many things and will always be grateful to my Executive Director and Security Director for the opportunity they gave me,” says Sil. As he prepares to start the Police Academy, Sil says, “All credit is due to CHBIOA for giving me a strong foundation that gave me the confidence and experience to apply.” When asked to reflect on leaving CHBIOA, Jonathan replied: “The decision to leave was very difficult because my team became like my family. Within my short time here, I became a Sergeant and, because of this, I was responsible for training many of the current officers. I tried to lead the current team to the best of my abilities and, time after time, they all exceeded my expectations. I am very proud of the current team and know that CHBIOA is in great hands.” Jonathan is one of many former Harbor Bay Security Officers who have followed the model of the department and used it as a training ground for careers in law enforcement. “All of the current officers have the potential to take the next step into law enforcement. My advice to them is to put in the time and care into your community and you’ll see what it truly means to become a peace officer,” says Jonathan with a smile. CHBIOA commends Jonathan and all of his efforts. We wish him well and will miss him. “I will truly miss all the friendships that I made in CHBIOA. I know that I wouldn’t be in the position that I am in without the help of my team. I leave CHBIOA with a heavy heart, but also excited to pursue my dream and make my family proud.”

Seku obtained his citizenship, hoping to make the most of opportunities that come his way in this new home of the United States. His goal is to pursue an education in cybersecurity and provide support and security for his family and friends. In his free time, Seku enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching movies, and experiencing the great outdoors

through exercise and exploration. Seku knows a bit of Japanese and was raised watching Japanese cartoons and anime. He keeps his mind active with crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and fidget games. Officer Stone is excited to be part of such a well established security protection service as Harbor Bay Security. “I hope to help the community be a safer, more peaceful place for its residents, and become a better person overall in the process,” says Officer Stone. “I will do my best to support and protect,” he adds. “I believe serving and protecting the public holds the same importance to serving and protecting your family. It is a duty, a matter of respect to give your utmost abilities to make the community safe and peaceful.” Officer Stone comments, with a smile, “I love helping people and will try to learn fast and steadily. If I can be of service, please ask!” Welcome, Officer Seku Stone, to Harbor Bay Isle!

10 April | May | June 2024

The Gull’s Call

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